Chris Tape
Go BackChris received his Ph.D. from the CRUK Cambridge Institute (University of Cambridge) followed by a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to study how oncogenes signal across multiple cell types in cancer. Chris now leads the Cell Communication Laboratory at UCL Cancer Institute. The Cell Communication Lab uses custom single-cell technologies and novel organoid co-culture models to study how multiple cell-types collaborate to drive cancer.
Relevant Publications
- An Oncogenic Phenoscape of Colonic Stem Cell Polarisation, X. Qin, F. Cardoso Rodriguez, J. Sufi, P. Vlckova, J. Claus, C.J. TAPE
- Trellis Tree-based Analysis Reveals Stromal Regulation of Patient-Derived Organoid Drug Responses, M. Ramos Zapatero, A. Tong, J.W. Opzoomer, R. O’Sullivan, F.C. Rodriguez, J. Sufi, P. Vlckova, C. Nattress, X. Qin, J. Claus, D. Hochhauser, S. Krishnaswamy, C.J. TAPE
- Multiplexed Single-Cell Analysis of Organoid Signaling Networks J. Sufi, X. Qin, F. Cardoso Rodriguez, Y.J. Bu, P. Vlckova, M.R. Zapatero, M. Nitz, C.J. TAPE
- Cell-Type-Specific Signaling Networks in Heterocellular Organoids X. Qin, J. Sufi, P. Vlckova, P. Kyriakidou, S.E. Acton, V.S.W. Li, M. Nitz, C.J. TAPE Nature Methods (2020) 17(3): 335-342
- Oncogenic KRAS Regulates Tumor Cell Signaling via Stromal Reciprocation C.J. Tape, S. Ling, M. Dimitriadi, K.M. McMahon, J.D. Worboys, H.S. Leong, I.C. Norrie, C.J. Miller, G. Poulogiannis, D.A. Lauffenburger, C. Jørgensen