Evangelia Petsalaki
Go BackEvangelia Petsalaki has been a group leader at EMBL-EBI since 2017. Her group uses systems biology approaches, including multi omics data integration and network analysis to study the principles underpinning the specificity of human cell signalling responses. Among other contributions, they have developed methods to extract active signalling signatures from phosphoproteomics datasets, phenotype-specific networks from transcriptomics datasets. Her group has recently started leveraging the power of whole genome knockout datasets (DepMap and Project Score) to describe tissue-specific effects of cancer drivers on cell signalling. They are now involved in several collaborations (e.g. with the Garnett, Tape and Davis groups – Sanger Institute, UCL and Oxford University respectively) using single and combination perturbation datasets with higher content readouts such as CyTOF or imaging to study the ‘dark’ signalling space and its role in immune checkpoint signalling, cancer organoid plasticity and many other questions.
Relevant Publications
- Sharma S#, Dincer C, Weidemüller P, Wright G, Petsalaki E#. CEN-tools: An integrative platform to identify the‘contexts of essential genes. Mol.Sys.Biol 2020 Oct;6(10):e9698. doi: 10.15252/msb.20209698